Most popular PR Social Bookmarking Sites in 2019

Most popular PR Social Bookmarking Sites in 2019

Most popular PR social bookmarking sites play an important role in SEO today. By social bookmarking, we can introduce our website and blog to various relevant categories to get good backlinks, along with a little traffic. Yes, a little traffic if you don’t know how to do bookmarking in a proper way.

What is social bookmarking limk?
Social bookmarking is the technique to get good backlinks, huge traffic along with branding, promotion and indexing privileges. If you are an SEO or digital marketer you must know about it.

Why use social bookmarking for your websites?
In my previous blog post, I had discussed about On Page SEO Checklist. Once you finish your on page optimization, your next step should be taking care of off page optimization. In this, you can start with social bookmarking. You should begin with submitting blog posts or web pages to social sharing sites or social bookmarking sites (sbm sites) as it has so many benefits.

Bookmarking is the fastest way to index your website or blog post in search engines- Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.

Top bookmarking sites have most popular PR. If you have backing from them, you will get quality backlinks.

Submission to top social bookmarking sites helps to generate new relevant traffic.

By submitting on most popular PR bookmarking sites, your blog post can go viral.

It will improve your domain authority.

It will reduce the bounce rate.

It will help in blog categorization.

How to do social bookmarking?
All SEO marketer are doing social bookmarking. But do you know how to do it effectively?

All top social bookmarking sites for SEO are not the same. Before starting to submit the blog posts on websites, you have to understand their rules and regulations. Few most popular PR social bookmarking websites like, are very sticky in approval and spamming is strictly not allowed.

For these types of social sharing sites, you have to be more social and have to try building your profile by submitting high authority blog posts of other websites or you can comment on others’ posts, re-share and upvote. To get more benefits out of this, create innovative title, creative description, add target keywords in tags or keyword field and most important thing is that you have to choose category wisely.

Hope you have understood – what is social bookmarking? Why everyone should do bookmarking? And how to do it? So let’s start with the most popular pr social bookmarking sites list.

Reddit : Reddit is one of my favorite bookmarking websites. It’s not easy to submit your blog post on reddit. You need to upvote and re-submit others’ reddit posts – it will improve your reddit karmas. Once you have sufficient karmas, you can submit your blog posts easily, read subreddit’s rules before posting on it. Meanwhile, try to add few posts of famous websites or add current news related posts so that people comment or upvote your posts.

Mix (formerly Stumbleupon) : Mix is a new content discovery platform that incorporates pretty much everything that Stumbleupon had. It allows people to find, collect and share content they like. To submit blog post on it, you need to first create an account by registering via your Google, Facebook or Twitter account.  With iOS share menu, you can submit posts from any iOS app. Follow the same steps that you would take to add a page to a Collection. One can also submit posts from within the app with the + icon in the home screen. Paste the URL you wish to submit and tap Post. Mix is for healthy sharing of information, so do not spam or request for Collections’ exchanges, follows or/and comments. Also, take care not to insert your business name, URL or address in comments.

Bizsugar : Bizsugar is the toughest website to publish your blog post on. You need to be very careful while submitting blog post on bizsugar.

Submit reputed and high authority website’s post in relevant category.

Upvote and comment on others’ published posts.

Once your profile is strong enough, try to submit your blog post.

Write meaningful description, creative title and choose appropriate category.

You can manage multiple topics in a single account.

You can build community.

Share, like and comment on other’s posts.

Write catchy headings with targeted keywords.

Find related pin boards and join them. Here, you can’t join directly, invitation is needed to post on group board. For invitation, you are supposed to follow admin of that group, repin his/ her pins and wait for him to notice you or you can also send him a personal request message. Don’t promote your blog post in groups all the times, try to be social!

Guys! Pinterest has good source of traffic for those who have rich graphical content like themes, designs & infographics.

Most popular PR social bookmarking sites in 2019
Here I am sharing with you a most popular pr social bookmarking site list, which I am using regularly for my websites.


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